Although health technologies and medicine have made great progress, the exact causes of some diseases cannot be determined exactly. One of these diseases is fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia, which usually manifests itself with severe pain, can be quite challenging in daily life. So what is fibromyalgia, how does it manifest itself and can it be treated? Let's see together...
What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia, which is considered a chronic disease, manifests itself with pain in the muscles and bones. When fibromyalgia occurs, general areas of sensitivity occur throughout the body. It can also be evaluated as a rheumatic pain syndrome.
This disease, which is seen in approximately 3 percent of the society, can negatively affect the quality of life. The incidence of fibromyalgia is 3 times higher in women than in men. Fibromyalgia is often compared to other diseases because it has no known clear cause.
Treatment of fibromyalgia, a disease that can last for a long time, can be quite challenging. Because it is difficult to determine the causes. In the treatment process, drugs are generally used, manual therapy methods are applied or lifestyle changes are made. It is thought that there are approximately 1.3 million fibromyalgia patients in our country.