Laser Therapy
Thanks to the development of health technologies and researches, we encounter new treatment methods every day. These alternative methods, which often replace major surgical procedures, not only facilitate the treatment of diseases, but also accelerate it. Laser therapy, which has been widely used in recent years, is one of the treatment methods in question. So what is laser therapy and what diseases can it be used in the treatment of? Let's see together...
What is Laser Therapy?
Laser treatment does not have any warming effect. It only accelerates circulation and thus helps accelerate tissue healing. Laser therapy, which is applied as a physical therapy method, can be used in the treatment of many diseases, especially neck hernia and skeletal system disorders.
If patients have pain complaints in a certain area, these complaints can be alleviated or even eliminated with regional laser therapy. Laser treatment is not recommended for open wounds. It has been observed that laser treatment contributes to the ongoing treatment process of the patients when laser treatment is applied to patients who are treated for complaints of lumbar or neck hernia.