Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is perhaps one of the oldest treatment methods that can be said to be as old as humanity. Although it is known as an alternative medicine method, it is actually a scientific method whose success has been proven. It is actively used in the treatment of many diseases, especially pain, in Turkey as well as all over the world. So what is manual therapy, what diseases can it be used in the treatment of and what advantages does it have?
What is Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy is a treatment method that can be applied in all diseases related to physical therapy, especially in musculoskeletal disorders.
All methods applied in manual therapy are applied in the light of proven success. Since no device is used in manual therapy, it is referred to as "manual therapy" and this treatment method, which has been applied for centuries, has also managed to become a branch of science over the years.
In the manual treatment method, manual intervention is performed by a specialist doctor. There is a false belief among the people that manual therapy, which is a method applied especially in patients with a physical dysfunction and in painful conditions, is an "alternative medicine".
However, manual therapy is a completely scientific method. On the other hand, the specialist who performs manual therapy needs to have knowledge about human anatomy, the muscles in the body, the relationship between these muscles and the way they are attached, and the tissues affected by muscle movements.
In Which Diseases Is Manual Therapy Effective?
Manual therapy is a method commonly used in hernia treatment. But the application areas are not limited to this. It is very effective in solving many orthopedic problems. In cases where the lumbar region loses its mobility due to reasons such as herniated disc, recovery is possible with manual therapy.
For example, in cases such as neck hernia, the mobility of the neck is restricted and this reduces the quality of life. Restoration of neck movements has become possible with manual therapy. On the other hand, manual therapy made it possible to treat non-surgical problems such as hernia.
Apart from waist and neck hernia, there are other problems that can be treated with manual therapy. The list of these problems is as follows:
- Chronic low back pain,
- Acute back pain caused by soft tissue injuries,
- Back muscle tensions,
- Hip dislocations,
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction,
- Neck straightening,
- Muscle tear,
- Pain after hip replacement.
Manual therapy allows patients to move more naturally without pain. Therefore, it can be applied to all ailments and pains that restrict the movement of patients.